Wednesday, November 16, 2005

And now for something completely different...

Borrowing a line from the popular 70's British comedy troupe Monty Python, today we will delve into the unkown. In fact, it's so unknown, that even as I type this sentence, I don't know what the topic will be. However, once it comes to me, I will start a new paragraph and that will be the topic for today. And the winner is...

Invisible Text!!!

I wonder how many people will totally miss this post and reply with a comment about how I left them hanging? There is a trick to reading this post, and if you can read this, you probably have found out what the trick is.

Basically, I have just made the text the same colour as the background. No big deal. Although it's kind of fun to use this technique to post little secret messages to someone. *gasp* Have I done this before??? Don't bother going back to find anything, I've never done this on Blogspot.

Anyway, a toast to you for finding the hidden message. Pat yourself on the back.


So there you have it. Did you find that interesting? Some may consider that a cool trick, but others are most likely not impressed. And others, still, are probably wondering what in the world I'm even talking about.


At 11/16/2005 2:05 PM, Blogger iridium said...

A riddle of sorts. But the answer is there.

At 11/16/2005 8:11 PM, Blogger Tina said...

you were so right! I'm just so proud of you for delving into thst. That is certainly a very controversial issue that many would not even attempt to discuss on a public blog.

At 11/17/2005 6:54 AM, Blogger iridium said...

t...there is more than meets the eye. It's in there.


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