Monday, January 30, 2006

Blog of Thunder

You say that it makes you wonder
Why the music on my blog isn't put asunder.
Because it's my life's annoy you.
You've visited my blog of thunder!

You've come to the blog of thunder.
Where jokes are lame and you wonder.
Could there be something else under.
No, you better leave, you better go Google.

I got a response the other day.
It was a friend who had too much to say.
I said are you trying to get me
to remove the music that is so catchy.

And they said:

I came to your blog of thunder.
It makes all my coworkers wonder.
I left my speakers on, another blunder.
When oh when will you put that song under.

So my friends I will leave you with this.
My poor blog you are not to dis.
Or else you will have a large number
of new songs on my blog of thunder!

And I say:

You've come to the blog of thunder.
Where jokes are lame and you wonder.
Could there be something else under.
No, you better leave, you better go Google.

Say ahhhhh.

You came to my blog of thunder.
Where I can post all songs under.
If you come here and you wonder
I'll never quit, I'll never go asunder.

Say ahhhhh.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Four jobs you had in your life.
1. Paper Delivery Boy
2. Hay bailer
3. Detassler
4. Pizza Delivery Person

Four movies you could watch over and over.
1. Red Dawn
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Sense and Sensibility
4. Emma

Four places you've lived.
1. 1103 9th St.
2. 408A McVey
3. 3810 Berkley Dr. #5
4. N. 43rd St. Apt. I76

Four TV shows you love to watch.
1. 24
2. gameshows that aren't stupid
3. shows about science type things
4. cooking shows

Four places you've been on vacation.
1. Cass Lake, MN
2. Mt. Rushmore, Black Hills, Devil's Tower, Wall Drug
3. Disney World
4. Oshkosh, WI

Four websites you visit daily.

Four of your favorite foods
1. popcorn
2. chicken fingers
3. Pablo's burritos
4. Friday special at Maid-Rite (hot beef sandwich, mashed potatoes, gravy)

Four places you'd rather be right now
1. home
2. on a beach
3. on a lake in the summer
4. anywhere with my family

I tag no one.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Because stupid should hurt...

You can read the whole story here.
View the video here.

Here, we have an over-zealous inebriated Browns fan in all his glory. This gentleman, Nathan Mallett, was apparently upset that his favorite team was losing big time, so he decided to run out onto the field.

What was he thinking he would do once he got out there?

I can tell you what he wasn't thinking was going to happen....BODYSLAM!

Yes, our unsuspecting fan got a good ole' fashioned butt kicking by Steelers' linebacker James Harrison.

Anyways, Nathan received his sentencing today for his misdemeanor charges blah blah blah. He will be put in jail during the Superbowl and not allowed to watch it on t.v. Furthermore, he will not be allowed to attend a Brown's game for 5 years!

Just goes to show that stupid should hurt.

Monday, January 09, 2006


When I was a kid in grade school, we would take trips to the library. I never liked to read, and even to this day I find it difficult to stay on task when reading a book.

However, if a book captivates me, I usually can get through it.

For the most part, I didn't care about the trips to the library. I liked them because we weren't in school, and we would get a Tootsie Roll Pop. *Did you get a star? No? I got a star! I win!*

One of the years, maybe 2nd or 3rd grade, the librarian introduced a book to the class. It was called Nate the Great. When the librarian announced the title, everyone looked over at me and started to get all giddy. "Nate the Great. Hey, his name is Nate. He's Nate the Great." I must admit, it was a huge self esteem booster. But I didn't let it go to my head...well actually I did. But not in the way you would think.

At that moment I was proud that my name was Nate, but I wasn't cocky about it. It just made me feel good. Special.

As time went on, kids started to call me Nate the Great. Not all the kids and not all the time. (There was this one girl...Darla...she and I hated each other...she called me Nincompoop Nate...grrrr).

Fast forward.

I'm now in 4th grade and my family is up in Minnesota at Cass Lake for vacation. One rainy day, we decide to take a break from fishing and lake activities and go to Bemidji. We went to a mall where I got a new fishing pole and then we stopped into a shop that sells t-shirts, hats, etc. with any custom wording on them that you want. (Like "Vote for Pedro") I tell my parents I want a hat and they oblige.

"What do you want the hat to say?", they asked.

"NTG.", I replied.

"NTG? What's NTG? Your initials are NJB."

"Nate the Great.", I said matter-of-factly.

They all laughed. My parents, the people working at the store...they laughed. But I was unphased. I remember my dad saying something about me not having a modesty problem. At the time I had no idea what that even meant.

But I got the hat.

That hat was one of the most favorite, most lasting items I have ever owned. And I still have it.

That hat and I have been through a lot together. It fell off into a flooded dry run and started floating away when I was in 5th grade...I jumped in and got it. It served as an archery target when we had nothing to shoot it wasn't still on my head.

I loved that hat. And when I look at it, I'm reminded of the days when I was NTG. In fact, I was called that so regularly, that one of my friend's parents gave me a new shiny NTG hat at my graduation.

Here is the old faithful. It doesn't stand up anymore. The three holes in it are from arrows that hit their mark.


Friday, January 06, 2006


(to the tune of The Final Countdown)



Her name's Tortelitha, litha.
What-ever that means.
She writes a great blogspot, blogspot.
She wears light-blue jeans.

She is an early riser.
She never sleeps, never sleeps.
She just mi-ight be-ee-ee a robot!
She's the Tortelitha!



She's Dull as Dishwater, water.
Or so-oh she says.
She has lots of daughters, daughters.
And so-oh she prays.

She is a super mommy.
But so much more, so much more.
She has a husband Tommyboy...
She's the Tortelitha.



Well T...there's your prize. Sorry if it's lame, but I had to keep my word.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Huh? Wha?

Oh blog. I almost forgot.

So, everyone has been blogging about how their lives are back to "normal" (whatever that means), and I figured I better get my 2 cents in too. Otherwise, Laundry Lady will drop me from her links list. Or maybe I'm an honorary listing since I'm her husband? And I know her password...teehee.

So, life for me is back to "normal." I'm fortunate enough to work for a company that shuts down between Christmas and the New Year. So, it's sort of like being in school. Only not. But I digress.

The week off was a fun one. If you know me, then you probably have already read Laundrypile and know that we did a lot of late nights, nothing, sleeping all over the house, etc. I did get in a quick snowboarding trip to a local ski resort. That was fun. Except for one bone jarring face plant, I'd say it was a nice outing. I hope to get out more this year with my new board.

Work is back in full swing. Last year I started into a new area with a different job title (someday I'll have to blog about job titles and how ridiculous they can be), and I'm really liking it. This year looks to be a busy one, but that is good. Job security and whatnot. Perhaps another trip to Denver, CO will happen later this month. If so, the Project Manager and I will try to get in some time at this place. That would rulio. But I digress...again.

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." <--Name the movie and win a prize. Seriously.

Let's see...

di·gress ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-grs, d-)intr.v. di·gressed, di·gress·ing, di·gress·es
To turn aside, especially from the main subject in writing or speaking; stray. See Synonyms at swerve.

No, I was using it correctly...I think.

Anyway, I am already thinking about this upcoming year...where we will take a family vacation, what I will be doing in work and ministry, whether I am going to start running again. The door is wide open and the possibilities are endless.

For the first few days of 2006, I was lamenting the passing of 2005. I'm one that always looks back on the past with rose colored glasses. Things always seemed to be better than they probably were. Heth has called me on that a lot. I'll be remembering something and I'll be thinking it was all really awesome, and she'll bring me back to reality and proceed to remind me of how things really were.

But I'm past my sorrow for losing 2005. It's gone. Goodbye dear 2005.

HELLOOOOOOO 2006!!!!!!! Woot Woot!