Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Unusual Water Facts

1. 75% of people are chronically dehydrated

2. In 37% of Americans the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger

3. Even mild dehydration will slow down one’s metabolism as much as 3%

4. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue

5. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease back pain for up to 80% of sufferers

6. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short term memory, trouble with basic math and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or a printed page

7. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79% and reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50%

8. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs

9. The normal adults body weight is between 50-60% water

10. Water contributes 65-70% of the weight of muscle and makes up 25% of the weight of fat

11. Water carries nutrients to body cells and removes waste

12. It lubricates the joints and also lubricates food in the mouth and digestive tract

13. It helps break down carbohydrates fat and protein

14. It controls body temperature through sweat

15. It maintains the shape of cells and tissues

Monday, October 30, 2006

Seem like I always post generic posts.

I don't let you guys inside my head.

I always post things that are neutral and "safe". Interesting, maybe, but safe and impersonal none-the-less.

Maybe that will change one day. Maybe I will open the noggin just a sliver and let a tender morsle of me spill out onto the cold, coarse plate that is my blog.

There, it can be criticized or complemented. It can be judged or accepted.

But in the words of the great King Aragorn, "A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day."

Sorry to dissappoint. hehe

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Isn't snow awesome?

Here are some cool snowflakes. Amazing isn't it? You'd almost think someone made them...how symmetrical they are.

This picture is even more amazing. It is rime frost on both ends of a "capped column" snowflake. It was taken by an electron microscope.

You can see these images and more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow

Friday, October 20, 2006


I copied and pasted this from a post I read on a forum. Some of them I get, others I don't have the knowledge to understand the connection.

Interesting non-the-less!

Is it our invention or His creation?

Camera (lens, focus, iris, film) / Eye (cornea curves to focus, iris, retina)
Microphone / Ear drum / Amphitheatre shape / Outer ear shape
Pump / Heart / Valves Heart valves
Plumbing and hydraulic systems / Circulatory system
Communication / telephone cables / Spinal cord / nervous system
Ball joint / Shoulder joint
Windshield wiper / Eye lid
Wiper fluid / Tears
Knife / Incisor teeth
Mortar and pestle / Molar teeth
Woodwinds / Voice box
Computer / Electronic circuitry / Brain
Computer program / DNA
Bubble level / Inner ear tubes for balance
Construction crane (jointed arm, scoop) / Arm and hand
Honeycomb reinforcements / Bee's honeycomb
Solar panel (energy from light) / Leaf
Fish hook (reverse barb design) / Bee stinger
Light stick (light from chemical reactions) / Firefly
Airplanes (airfoil wings, hollow struts, tail) / Birds (airfoil wings, hollow bones, tail)
Submarine ballast / Fish (ballast bladder)
Sonar / Bats, dolphins
Paper from wood pulp / Wasp hives
Velcro / Thistle burrs (actually inspired Velcro)
Blu-blocker sunglasses / Orange oil in eagle eyes to improve acuity
Suction cups / Octopus
Inboard propulsion (boats) / Squid
Batteries (electricity from chemicals) / Eel
Navigation by stars / magnetic fields / Bird and butterfly migration
Music / Song birds
Anesthetics / Venoms and poisons
Swim fins, paddles / Webbed feet (frogs, ducks)
Water cooled systems / Sweat glands and perspiration
Core aeration for health of lawns / Worms, insects and moles

Hypodermic syringe / Snake fangs, also mechanism used by viruses to inject into cells
Antibiotic medicines / Immune system
Hydraulic shock absorbers / Knee joints
Dust filter / Nostril hairs
VCR, magnetic storage media / Memory, recording/viewing images
Gyroscope, top / Planetary rotation
Magnets / Lodestone
Internet / Brain, also Society
Mirror / Reflection on water
Wheel / Animals that curl and roll (armadillo)
Plastics (of many varieties and qualities) / Carbon-based life forms
(of bone, cartilage, tissues, transparent lenses, wood, feathers, etc., and all bio-degradable!)

Gasoline (expensive, dirty) / Methane (free, clean)
Barb wire fences / Briar bushes, thorns
Bridge supports and weight distribution / Elephant / Dinosaur skeletal framework
Robots / Humans
Nuclear energy or bomb (fusion) / Lamp / Sun
Electric and propulsion motors / Mechanical components of flagellum of bacteria & protozoan

Theme Parks / Nature / State Parks
Helicopter / Bumblebee / Hummingbird / Maple seed pods
Camouflage clothing / Camouflage skin and fur, chameleons
Armor / Exoskeletons
Movies, cast, film crew, director / Life, people, angels, subconscious
Night lights / street lights / The stars and the moon
Baby formula / Breast milk
Water filtration techniques / Same filtering techniques as found in nature and swamps and rivers - charcoal, silt

Fishing / Angler fish
Sponge (synthetic) / Sponge
Satellite / Moon
Cloning experiments / Reproductive systems, asexual reproduction
Pulleys, fulcrums, and levers / Foot joints and ligaments
Smoke detectors / Noses
Cup / Cupped hands
Greenhouse / Earth
Clock / Solar system
Fishing net / Spider's web
Magnifying glass / Droplet of water
Water filter / Kidneys
Irrigation canals / Roots in plants
Fires set to aid heath in agriculture / Naturally occurring forest fires
Protective environmental suit / Egg shell
Key and lock / Enzyme and related substrate
Suspension bridge / Spider web
Shock absorbing helmet / Woodpecker skull
Fix-a-flat for punctures in tires / Coagulants found in the blood
Smoke screen as a defense / Octopus ink
Fuel & air for mechanical engines / Food & air for biological engines
Chemical warfare / The Bombardier Beetle
Snowshoes / Penguin's feet
Frames of Buildings / Skeleton of living organisms
Weaving in a basket / Weaving in a bird's nest
Medicine / Herbs
Religions with rules about God / A relationship of love with God
Evolution of civilization and technology / Evolution of the universe and life
Water dams / Beaver dams
Dreams / Movies
Circular appearance of sun and moon / Wheel
Pliers, tongs / Lobster/crab claws
Fur coats / Fur coats
Hang gliders / Butterflies
Vitamin pills / Fruits and vegetables
Interlocking teeth of a zipper / Linkages between barbs in feathers
Radiator, heat exchange system / Elephant's ears, blood vessels in a whale's tail

Monday, October 16, 2006


It's coming...


Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon
You come and go
You come and go
Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dream
Red, gold and green
Red, gold and green

Those catchy lyrics which I used to so blindly reproduce as:

Comma comma comma comma comma chameleon
You come and go
You come and go
Love it would be easy if you love it all like my dream
Red golden gree
Red golden gree

So what exactly is Karma, and why do so many people believe in it? The over-simplified answer is that it's a way for people to explain why things happen in their lives, good and bad, without having to necessarily a)take responsibility or b) acknowledge God.

Clear as mud?

What I've found out though, is that in reality, Karma is very destructive.

People who are born into societies that place huge emphasis on Karma (ie, India), end up totally oppressing a caste of people or accepting that their miserable conditions in life are punishment for inappropriately tripping some royal figure-head while incarnated as a rock in a former life.

Those who end up at the bottom of the barrel really have no hope. No hope in this life, and worse yet, no hope in the life to come. At least from their perspective. The reality we know as Christians is that there really is hope.

If you want to know what Jesus thought of Karma, just read John 9:1-something. It wasn't a new concept in His time here on Earth.

Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full. Here on earth and in the life after.